Foreign Body in Duodenum Mimicking a Duplication Cyst on Imaging

Aditya Pratap Singh, Vinay Mathur, Ramesh Tanger, Arun Kumar Gupta, Ayush Kumar


Paediatric age group is most vulnerable for the accidental foreign body (FB) ingestion which may go unnoticed. These patients present with symptoms or complications as a result of FB and may mimic other conditions on various investigations. We describe a 9-month old infant who ingested crystal gel ball and presented with vomiting for a month. On radiological imaging it was interpreted as duplication cyst of the duodenum. At operation, crystal gel ball was retrieved. Our case vindicates importance of keeping various possibilities in mind as differential diagnoses during evaluation and management of surgical ailments such as the duplication cyst of duodenum.


Crystal gel ball; Duodenum; Duplication; Foreign body

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