Accessory Nostril: A Rare Congenital Nasal Anomaly

  • Pradyumna Pan Ashish Hospital
Keywords: Accessory nostril, Rare anomaly, Congenital anomaly


The accessory nostril is a very rare congenital anomaly with an unknown etiology also known as a supernumerary nostril. An 11-month-old male baby presented with an accessory opening above the right nostril since birth. At 1-year follow-up, the functional and cosmetic outcome was satisfactory. The corrective surgical procedure ought to be executed as quickly as time permits for the patient's psychosocial development.


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How to Cite
Pan P. Accessory Nostril: A Rare Congenital Nasal Anomaly. APSP J Case Rep [Internet]. 29May2019 [cited 11Oct.2024];9(4):27. Available from: