Multiple Jejunoileal Atresia and Stenosis with Duplication Cyst in a Newborn

  • Aditya Pratap Singh Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatric Surgery
  • Rajlaxmi Pardeshi Assistant Professor, Department of obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Ramesh Tanger Associate Professor, Department of Pediatric Surgery
  • Maryem Ansari Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology
  • Arun Kumar Gupta Senior Professor, Department of Pediatric Surgery
Keywords: Newborn, Duplication cyst, Jejuno-ileal atresia, Jejunal stenosis


Jejunoileal atresia is a congenital anomaly that is characterized clinically by bilious vomiting and abdominal dis-tension. It has been associated with various other anomalies but its association with mesenteric cyst is rare. We are presenting a patient with antenatally diagnosed duplication cyst with multiple jejunoileal atresia and stenosis with possible etiology behind such an association.


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How to Cite
Singh A, Pardeshi R, Tanger R, Ansari M, Gupta A. Multiple Jejunoileal Atresia and Stenosis with Duplication Cyst in a Newborn. APSP J Case Rep [Internet]. 26Sep.2018 [cited 9Feb.2025];9(3):19. Available from: